
Website Privacy

North Ormesby Parochial Church Council (“we“) are committed to protecting and respecting your privacy and complying with the Data Protection Act 1998.

This privacy statement tells you how we deal with your personal information when you use or supply information on the Holy Trinity Church website.

What is collected and stored: We only collect data volunteered by users that register on the site or submit content through forms. Certain data is created automatically when you interact with the site.

What is done with the information: We only use the personal information you provide voluntarily to send information and services that you have requested. e.g. When you register you must provide an email address.

Data collected

As with the vast majority of websites, this site automatically logs certain information about every request made of it. This information is used for system administration, for bug tracking, and for producing usage statistics. The logged information will be kept but reviewed periodically.

Relevant subsets of this data may be passed to computer security teams as part of investigations of computer misuse involving this site or other computing equipment within the hosting organisation. Data may also on occasion be passed to the administrators of other computer systems to enable investigation of problems accessing this site or of system misconfigurations. Otherwise the logged information is not passed to any third party except if required by law. Summary statistics are extracted from this data and some of these may be made publicly available, but those that are do not include information from which individuals could be identified.

Where forms are provided on this site, the pages containing these forms include information on how data submitted on them will be processed and used.

Data Protection

For the purpose of the UK Data Protection Act 1998, the 'Data Controller' for the processing of any data collected by this site is North Ormesby PCC.

North Ormesby PCC, The Vicarage, North Ormesby, Middlesbrough, North Yorkshire, TS3 6LD