Church - Support

Please support Our Work

North Ormesby is the second poorest community in England, we need your help to sustain a living Christian presence in this community in cash or in kind.


The easiest way to give is through our AChurchNearYou giving page.

Please make any cheques payable to ‘North Ormesby PCC’. If you are a UK taxpayer you may be able to gift aid your donation.

You can give by text. TRINITY to 70085 to donate £2 (this will cost £2 plus any standard rate message cost). Alternatively, you can opt to give any whole amount up to £20. (eg. TRINITY 20) Thanks!


We want to pass on a vibrant and well maintained church to the next generation. Please remember North Ormesby Parish Church in your will. To find out about legacies watch the film at the link here. Practical information can be found here.



A choose 'The Parochial Church Council Of The Ecclesiastical Parish Of North Ormesby' (long isn't it!)
Amazon will then donate a percentage of eligible spend to our work at no extra cost to you! 

Volunteering Opportunities

There are plenty of opportunities to get involved with the work of Holy Trinity in our children and youth work or in the Cafe on a Tuesday, feel free to pop into the office to ask about opportunities.

Prayer Support

Your prayers are greatly valued. If you are regularly praying for us please let us know. If you would like to be kept updated please e-mail and request to join our quarterly newsletter e-list.

Everyclick and Give as You Live

Search for free with Everyclick and and the clicks add up to pennies and pounds for Trinity Youth and Children’s Project.


support us - children

support us - community