Church - Discipleship

Discipleship and teaching

Growing in Discipleship

Learning for Life in all its fulness

As disciples of Christ we need to be reflecting day by day on how we follow him faithfully. By reflecting on what God is doing in our lives and meditating on the scriptures we are led to deepen our commitment to him and the service of others. At Holy Trinity we encourage everyone to have a disciplined life of prayer and a commitment to serve the needs of those in need.



Start Course

For those new to the Christianity we run the six week Start Course. Down-to-earth ‘vox pop’ video interviews in settings including Blackpool beach, a fun fair, shopping centre and a junk yard prompt lively discussion. There’s time to chat, interactive exercises and space for reflection - all in a style that aims to be honest and enjoyable.

Start usually runs twice a year in the spring and autumn. 



Pilgrim Course

The core of our teaching programme at Holy Trinity is the Church of England's Pilgrim Course

It starts at the very beginning

Pilgrim assumes very little understanding or knowledge of the Christian faith.

It focuses on Jesus Christ

Pilgrim aims to equip people to follow Jesus Christ as disciples in the whole of their lives.

It flows from the Scriptures

The primary focus of each session is a group of people engaging with the Bible together.

It draws deeply from the Christian tradition

In the Early Church, the Christian faith was taught by the transmission of key texts which summed up the heart of the Christian message. Pilgrim restores this approach for the twenty-first century.

It honours the Anglican way and its many streams

Pilgrim has been developed as a specifically Anglican resource which aims to cater for every tradition in the Church of England.

Lent Course

Each Lent, a time of special devotion for Christians in the preparation for Easter, we spend time together reflecting on scripture and the events of Holy Week.